Getting Started

It’s exciting to start a new sport, but it can also be overwhelming. Here is some information to make the beginning of your figure skating journey a little bit easier.

Gearing Up

The ice center rents figure skates, but properly fitted leather skating boots with figure blades will help your skater make faster progress.

Some boot brands to look for are:
● Jackson
● Reidell
● Harlick
● SP Teri

The nearest figure skating shop iSkateOmaha is in Omaha at Rockbrook Village. Along with boots and blades, the shop also carries skate guards, skate soakers, skate bags, tights, leggings and other apparel.

Skate guards are the hard plastic covers that allow the skater to walk around off ice without dulling their blades.

Soakers are the fabric blade covers that protect the blades from moisture while in the skater’s bag. Never leave skate guards on the blades while in the skater’s bag. It will cause the blades to rust.

Ask any club board member about getting skates sharpened when needed.

Basic Skills

U.S. Figure Skating’s official skills development program, taught as part of Learn To Skate USA:

Snowplow Sam — four levels for skaters age 6 and under. Helmets are strongly recommended.

Basic 1 through 6 — figure skating fundamentals that take skaters from forward stroking to beginning one-foot spins.

Pre-Free Skate — beginning jumps and footwork.

Free Skate 1 through 6 — advanced jumps, spins and combination moves.

There are similar skills progression programs for adults and special needs skaters, plus synchronized skating, dance, pairs and theater on ice.

You can download a collection of apps that feature video demonstrations of all the skills on Apple or Google Play.

USFS Tests

U.S. Figure Skating has a series of skills tests in freestyle, pairs, dance, and moves in the field (Moves in the Field are sets of footwork and turns to demonstrate speed, control, and edge quality.) Skaters who successfully complete an entire test sequence earn a gold medal from USFS.

The level of the test you’ve passed also determines what group you will compete in at skating competitions. There are test sessions in Omaha almost every month. Test sessions require a paper test application to be sent in advance along with payment for the test and approved by the test chair. Your coach will help you get the test application.

Skating Shows

The club periodically organizes skating showcases. These are a chance for individuals and groups of skaters to perform to music to show off their skills. The club provides costumes for skating groups and charges a fee for the costumes as well as an entry fee for being in the show.

An individual skater must work with a private coach in order to perform a solo. Coach and skater usually work together to choose the music.


There are several competitions during the skating season,which runs from July 1 to June 30.

The club hosts a Basic Skills competition in the summer, which includes all skating levels. There are several competitions in Omaha. Skaters from our club have also traveled to St. Joseph and Kansas City, Mo., Des Moines, Iowa, and Fort Collins, Colo. Learn more about how these events are structured in the club’s handbook.